Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Looking Back at Summer 09 and Looking Forward to Winter
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Lemke Garden
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Kathy Peloza's Garden
I could have barely identified a tulip when I met Matt's mom, Kathy. When we bought our house back in 2002 she came to survey the yard and told us what was worth keeping and what wasn't. She gave us a lot of suggestions as to what would do well in different parts of the garden and the more she talked about plants, the more interested I became. Kathy is the one I credit for turning me into the plant junkie I am today.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Last Chance to Plant Your Veggies
Friday, June 19, 2009
First Rain
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wallingford Garden Tour
Last weekend the three of us went on the Wallingford Garden Tour. Out of all the neighborhood tours, this is definitely my favorite. Those Wallingford folks are not afraid to show their personal style. Check out the glass wall in the above picture. Isn't that the coolest? It really sparkled in the sun. I want to make one of those! It's always so fun to see both the variety and also just how much you can pack into a small city lot garden.
Monday, June 8, 2009
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Zen Gardens
In Japan
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Veggies, Herbs and Annuals in Containers
First pot (left) holds spinach and snapdragons, second pot (right) is a mix of lobelia, italian parsley and russian sage.
We have our first guest speaker!
Jose Gonzales is the veggie and herb buyer for City People’s and has offered to give a few tips on container gardening with veggies, herbs and annuals.
CAMI: Can you recommend a good resource for growing veggies?
JOSE: An awesome resource for veggie gardening is Territoial Seed Company Catalogue. We sell it at City Peeps for a quarter (.25- what a deal). It has cultural requirements and harvesting tips and all kinds of great info. I can't tell you how many times I've broken out that catalogue when a customer has a specific question about certain veggies. It is an essential resource.
CAMI: What are the things you need to consider when planting herbs and veggies in pots?
JOSE: Herbs and veggies in pots are cool. One problem with containers is the watering needs- they're different than watering needs in the ground. Generally, pots dry out faster, and a dry pot makes for some weak plants. Also, all the watering does a good job of leaching out the nutrients, so you have to remember to replace them with a liquid fertilizer. Liquid fertilizers nutrients are available immediately to the plant, whereas dry fertilizers take some time to break down before they are available to the plants. Veggies like food...and they should, because we require so much from them. Herbs are a little easier going- they can take a bit more drying out than veggies. I wouldn't grow Lavander in pots- they don't do that great- although that's a general rule. I always tell people to try something out if they really want. Just because someone at a garden store or book says it won't work doesn't mean it won't work. You gotta try it out for yourself.
CAMI: What about mixing annuals in with your herbs and veggies?
JOSE: Annuals and herbs and veggies make nice partners. Annuals are great because they provide color over a long period. Light requirements are most important. Watering too. I like to stuff my pots when I plant them, because it looks so good. If growing veggies, you may want to give them a little room. Tomatoes should be in there own pots- peppers too.
Thanks, Jose!
Well, I have done a little experimenting myself and have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of veggies that really don’t like pots (unless it’s a planter box or really big pot). I tried planting radishes, scallions and dill in pots and it’s been, well, pretty much a failure. They are all bunched way too close together and need watering about every couple minutes. (I won’t say you didn’t warn me, Jose!) The herbs seem to be much better suited. That is, except for the dill which is absolutely HUGE and towering over the pot it’s in. There are a few exceptions though: I have had great luck growing tomatoes in pots – BIG pots that is. Last year my cherry tomato reached all the way up to our second story deck! Lettuce seems to be another 'no fail'. I’ve mixed spinach with snapdragons and the snapdragons provide just a bit of shade from the hot afternoon sun which (so far) the spinach seems to like. Oh, and, beans. They seem to be surviving as well but each plant has it’s own pot and I only have two so I’m not banking on a big harvest.
Uh, oh. These radishes don't look very happy!
And neither do the scallions. Someone please help me!
These radishes need some breathing room.
So what to do with my wilty failures? I decided to take out a huge swath of artemesia which has become invasive and put my veggies in their place. It’s not your typical raised bed but I’m hoping it works. You’ll have to check back on the progress in a month or so and see for yourself!
Tortured veggies, you are about to get a new home!
Virgin dirt. Ready for planting. Ahhh....
All planted. I hope they don't mind the transplant. Stay tuned for some better picts.