Who ever thought of a topiary collection in your parking strip. Excellent!
Pruning Classes
Multiple dates listed
Cass Turnbull of Plant Amnesty is THE authority on pruning. She has a great book out and I actually just saw her speak. If you ever have a question about how to prune something or just would like the art of pruning demystified, I would highly recommend a class or buying her pruning book. Her book is actually a fun read and some of her descriptions have you laughing out loud. I know, it's hard to believe a pruning book could be entertaining but really, it is!
West Seattle Edible Garden Fair: Learn To Grow Your Own Groceries!
Date: Saturday, May 23, 2009
Time: 9:30AM - 4:00PM
Location: South Seattle Community College Landscape Horticulture
Buildings, 6000 16th Ave SW, Seattle, WA, 98106
Admission: FREE!!
Drip Irrigation for Successful Food Gardening
Taught by David Stoller, Davey & Goliath (two dates & locations)
Wednesday, May 20, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
South Seattle Community College
Cost: $15. Pre-registration required.
Register at www.learnatsouth.org or call (206) 764-5339
View class description.
Simplify Your Summer Gardening
Taught by Ladd Smith, In Harmony Sustainable Landscapes
Saturday, June 6, 11:00–Noon Molbak’s at 13625 NE 175th St, Woodinville (425) 483-5000 Cost: Free. No pre-registration. View class description
The key elements of good design are universal. Color, form, texture and scale are all important no matter what field of design you practice. And if you have an underlying concept to tie your composition together, that's the icing on the cake.
I love taking the principles I've learned in graphic design and applying them to the garden. Garden design, however, gives the added challenge of light, water and soil requirements. Getting all these elements in sync is like working a puzzle and continually moving the pieces around until you have just the right fit.